- Accounting policies
- a) Analysis of sales
b) Analysis of total operating (loss)/profit
c) Analysis of operating (loss)/profit of joint ventures
and associates
d) Analysis of capital employed
- Analysis of consolidated profit and loss account
- Loss on sale of fixed assets and investments
- (Loss)/Profit on sale of subsidiary undertakings
and associates
- Net finance costs
- a) Net interest payable - group
b) Other net finance costs
- Taxation
- Dividends
- (Loss)/earnings per share
- Employee information
- Intangible assets
- Tangible fixed assets
- Joint ventures
- Associates
- Other fixed asset investments
- Stocks
- Debtors
- Cash at bank and in hand
- Financial instruments
- Other creditors
- Deferred taxation
- Other provisions for liabilities and charges
- Share capital
- Reserves
- Acquisitions
- Disposals
- Notes to consolidated statement of cash flows
- Contingent liabilities
- Commitments under leases
- Related parties
- Post balance sheet events
- Company balance sheet as at 31 dec 2001
- Notes to the company balance sheet
- Principal subsidiaries and associates