Pearson plc homepageinvestor relations
  Pearson Annual Report 2001    

Notes to the Accounts

  1. Accounting policies
  2. a) Analysis of sales
    b) Analysis of total operating (loss)/profit
    c) Analysis of operating (loss)/profit of joint ventures and associates
  3. d) Analysis of capital employed
  4. Analysis of consolidated profit and loss account
  5. Loss on sale of fixed assets and investments
  6. (Loss)/Profit on sale of subsidiary undertakings and associates
  7. Net finance costs
  8. a) Net interest payable - group
    b) Other net finance costs
  9. Taxation
  10. Dividends
  11. (Loss)/earnings per share
  12. Employee information
  13. Intangible assets
  14. Tangible fixed assets
  15. Joint ventures
  16. Associates
  17. Other fixed asset investments
  18. Stocks
  19. Debtors
  20. Cash at bank and in hand
  21. Financial instruments
  22. Other creditors
  23. Deferred taxation
  24. Other provisions for liabilities and charges
  25. Share capital
  26. Reserves
  27. Acquisitions
  28. Disposals
  29. Notes to consolidated statement of cash flows
  30. Contingent liabilities
  31. Commitments under leases
  32. Related parties
  33. Post balance sheet events
  34. Company balance sheet as at 31 dec 2001
  35. Notes to the company balance sheet
  36. Principal subsidiaries and associates
