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Financial Review |
Although our strong operating performance meant that operating profits from continuing operations increased by 3% to £426m, we charged a loss against reserves for the year of £568m. This table reconciles the difference between the two, as well as the cash impact of the individual items.
The sale of our 22% share in RTL was not concluded until the end of January 2002 and, as a result, the proceeds of E1.5bn are not reflected in the 2001 accounts. However, the cash received has allowed us to reduce our net debt to around £1.5bn since the year end. Both Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s took account of this disposal in deciding to maintain unchanged credit ratings for the company earlier in the year. This formed a key part of our risk management strategy which we refer to in more detail below.
financial statementsgoodwill amortisationWe took a charge of £382m for goodwill, a balance sheet item which represents the difference between the price paid for acquisitions and the fair value of the assets acquired. This goodwill is amortised, typically over 20 years. The major reason for the increase over last year of £204m is that NCS and Dorling Kindersley – the two major acquisitions of 2000 – incurred full year amortisation of goodwill for the first time. This accounted for £69m of the increase. goodwill impairmentThis £61m charge resulted from a review of the carrying value of goodwill on our balance sheet, required under FRS 10 (Goodwill and Intangible Assets) and FRS 11 (Impairment of Fixed Assets and Goodwill), which led to a decision to impair the value of Dorling Kindersley by £50m. Dorling Kindersley was purchased in May 2000 for a price of £318m plus embedded debt of £49m. Although Dorling Kindersley adds value both to Penguin and our education businesses, and is expected to return to profit in 2002, the integration has taken longer to achieve than we initially envisaged and we have also reduced the revenue base in order to eliminate unprofitable publishing. Taken together with a difficult economic environment, which has affected Dorling Kindersley’s travel guides in particular, we thought it prudent to write down the value of goodwill by just under 15%. We also took a total of £11m in write-downs on various other businesses, the largest of these relating to a Latin American subsidiary. We undertook a detailed review of our 2000 acquisition of NCS but found no reason to reduce the goodwill we carry on our balance sheet as a result. integration costsIntegration costs of £74m relate to the one-off costs of integrating significant recent acquisitions into our existing businesses. £45m was incurred in integrating Dorling Kindersley into the Penguin Group and the remaining £29m related to the integration of NCS into Pearson Education. This expenditure was in line with our forecasts at the time of the transactions. non-operating itemsA charge of £123m for non-operating items relates to losses on the sale or closure of businesses and fixed assets. It includes our share of the loss on sale of the Journal of Commerce (£36m) by The Economist Group, a loss on sale of iForum (£27m), an internet-based training company, our share of the net loss on disposals by the RTL Group (£17m), and the disposal or closure of various smaller businesses (£43m). In 2001 we also sold FT Energy and received net cash proceeds of £43m. There was no significant profit and loss impact. amounts written off investmentsWe concluded a thorough review of our fixed asset investments, principally in the dot.com arena. We have provided for £55m against these investments, the biggest items being for Business.com (£17m) and TimeCruiser (£10m). We also reviewed the carrying value of Pearson shares held to secure employee share option plans created at the time of more buoyant stock markets. We determined that the most appropriate course of action was to ‘mark them to market’ – to write them down to the market price on 31 December, 2001 resulting in a charge of £37m and bringing the total amount written off investments to £92m. interestNet interest rose by £12m to £169m, with average net debt increasing by £375m. This increase in net borrowing more than offset the effect of a general fall in interest rates during the year. The weighted average three month LIBOR rate, reflecting the Group’s borrowings in US dollars, euros, and sterling, fell by 230 basis points, or 2.3%. The effect of these falls was mitigated by our existing portfolio of interest rate swaps, which converted over half our variable rate commercial paper and bank debt to a fixed rate basis. As a result, the Group’s net interest rate payable averaged approximately 6.4%, falling 0.5% from the previous year. taxationThe Group recorded a total pre-tax loss of £438m in 2001; tax relief on this loss was £67m – an effective rate of 15%. The non-operating tax credit (£159m) includes £143m attributable to settlement of the tax position on the BskyB and Tussauds disposals which occurred in 1995 and 1998 respectively. The tax rate on adjusted earnings after internet operations increased from 26% to 31%, and from 23% to 24% before internet operations. This increase was mainly attributable to the increase in the overall tax on profits (including those of associates) arising outside the UK and the US. As in previous years, the main reason for the tax rate on adjusted earnings being lower than might be expected from the UK and US statutory rates, is the continued availability of losses in the US consolidated tax group. The tax rate used in calculating adjusted earnings is likely to rise as a result of the implementation of FRS 19, which is discussed later in this section. minority interestsMinority Interests include a 40% minority share in IDC and a 21% minority share in Recoletos. dividendsThe dividend payment of £177m which we are recommending in respect of 2001 represents 22.3p per share – a 4% increase on 2000. The dividend is covered 1.0 times by adjusted earnings after internet enterprises, and 1.1 times by cash flow.
other financial itemspensionsThe company resumed contributions to its UK Pension Fund following a prolonged ‘holiday’ period. The cash contribution is expected to increase in 2002. The rate of funding of pension liabilities is kept under regular review by the company and Fund trustees. The proposed changes in the accounting for Pensions are discussed in the next section. accounting disclosures and policiesIn this report we illustrate the impact of FRS 17 (Retirement Benefits) for pensions and other post retirement benefits ahead of full adoption for 2003. Under the new standard the method of accounting for our defined benefit pension schemes will change significantly from the current practice under SSAP 24. FRS 17 approaches pension cost accounting from a balance sheet perspective with the net surplus or deficit in Pearson’s pension schemes being incorporated into the balance sheet. Changes in this surplus or deficit will flow through the profit and loss account and the statement of total recognised gains and losses. In this report we have disclosed the effect on the closing balance sheet at the end of 2001 in the notes to the accounts (see note 11). FRS 18, ‘Accounting Policies’, has been adopted but has had no significant impact on the results in 2001. FRS 19, a standard on deferred tax, was introduced in 2000 and we will be adopting this standard in 2002. FRS 19 will introduce full provisioning for deferred tax and this will have a significant effect on Pearson’s effective tax rate. The tax benefit of US tax losses is currently accounted for as the losses are utilised. Under FRS 19 this benefit will no longer arise.
managing our financial risksThis section explains the Group’s approach to the management of financial risk. treasury policyThe Group holds financial instruments for two principal purposes: to finance its operations and to manage the interest rate and currency risks arising from its operations and its sources of finance. The Group finances its operations by a mixture of cash flows from operations, short-term borrowings from banks and commercial paper markets, and longer-term loans from banks and capital markets. The Group borrows principally in US dollars, euros and sterling, at both floating and fixed rates of interest, using derivatives, where appropriate, to generate the desired effective currency profile and interest rate basis. The derivatives used for this purpose are principally interest rate swaps, interest rate caps and collars, currency swaps and forward foreign exchange contracts. The main risks arising from the Group’s financial instruments are interest rate risk, liquidity and refinancing risk, counterparty risk and foreign currency risk. These risks are managed by the group finance director under policies approved by the board which are summarised below. These policies have remained unchanged, except as disclosed, since the beginning of 2001. A treasury committee of the board receives reports on the Group’s treasury activities, policies and procedures, which are reviewed periodically by a group of external professional advisers. The treasury department is not a profit centre and its activities are subject to internal audit.
Liquidity and refinancing risk
In April 2001 the Group issued [EuroSymbol]250m of bonds due 2003. In June 2001 the Group issued $500m of notes due 2011. As a result, at the end of 2001 the average maturity of gross borrowings was 5.3 years and non-banks provided £2,078m (75%) of them (down from 5.6 years and up from 56% respectively at the beginning of the year). The proceeds of the bond and note issues were used to repay part of the Group’s syndicated bank facility.
Counterparty risk Currency risk The Group’s policy during the year on routine transactional conversions between currencies (for example, the collection of receivables, and the settlement of payables or interest) remained that these should be effected at the relevant spot exchange rate. As in previous years, no unremitted profits were hedged with foreign exchange contracts.
At the year end the split of aggregate net borrowings in its three core currencies was US dollar 68%, euro 13% and sterling 19%.
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